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Former Holy Trinity Church of England and Vicarage

Holy Trinity Anglican Church and Vicarage

410 Merrawarp Road,, BARRABOOL VIC 3221 - Property No B2548

One of Victoria's earliest rural Anglican churches, The Holy Trinity Church was begun with the construction of the nave in 1855 in local Barrabool sandstone. It was designed by early Victorian architect, Charles Vickers, in Gothic style. The chancel, vestry and porch were added in1857 by Geelong architects, Shaw & Dowden. The entire church was re-constructed to the same design in 1884, again in Barrabool sandstone, but rendered over except for the buttresses and ... more



Former Holy Trinity Church of England

Holy Trinity Anglican Church

792-800 Doncaster Road,, DONCASTER VIC 3108 - Property No B2307

An attractive sandstone church built in 1868-9 and designed by Charles Barrett with the addition of a chancel, belfry and vestries in or by 1932 and a new nave in the 1970s. The building is of particular interest for its stone interior and the splayed buttresses flanking the main facade. Classified: 11/06/1969



Former Holy Trinity Church of England

Holy Trinity Anglican Church

518 Sydney Road,, COBURG VIC 3058 - Property No B0940

A bluestone church with transepts and chancel of 1853 designed by Charles Vickers, being amongst the earliest examples in the colony. The nave of 1857 replaced the original one of 1849, and the spire and pinnacles were added in 1869. Classified: 'Regional' 26/05/1988 Revised: 03/08/1998



Former Holy Trinity Church of England

Holy Trinity Anglican Church

483 Morses Creek Road,, WANDILIGONG VIC 3744 - Property No B5685

An unusually intact and charming wooden church of 1865, with Elizabethan loopy bargeboards (now replicated) giving it a domestic rather than and ecclesiastical flavour. Classified: 06/03/1986



Former Holy Trinity Church of England - Group Classification

Holy Trinity Anglican Church

73 Arundel Street,, BENALLA VIC 3672 - Property No B2003

Individual Statement of Significance: A church built in 1884, but most distinctive for the alterations effected by Walter Butler in 1905 and Butler and Bradshaw after 1907. The latter work includes the bell tower, which is of an Arts & Crafts character, with pleasing terracotta shingle hanging. Classified: 'Local'09/03/1978 Confirmed: 24/08/1989 Revised: 03/08/1998 Group Statement of Significance: The former Courthouse (1864-1888) former Survey Office (1861 ), ... more



Former Holy Trinity Church of England & Fincham & Hobday Organ

Holy Trinity Anglican Church

50 High Street, High Street, MALDON VIC 3463 - Property No B2013

Church Statement of Significance: A Church in the Early English Gothic style specifically designed by the architect David R Drape to be erected over a number of years and particularly attractive because of the combination of brown local schist, laid as squared rubble, and Harcourt granite dressings. The nave with corner buttresses and western bell cote was erected in 1861, the vestry and gallery in 1862, transepts in 1863, the chancel in 1886 and porch in 1889. Features of the ... more



Former Holy Trinity Church of England & Organ

Holy Trinity Anglican Church

Cnr Church & Henty Streets,, COLERAINE VIC 3315 - Property No B0667

The foundation stone for Holy Trinity Church, Coleraine was laid on 8 February 1865 by the Rev. Dr Francis Thomas Cusack Russell and the first service held on 4 November 1866. In 1850 the Irish-born Rev. Dr Russell was sent by the Bishop of Melbourne to the District of Wannon, a large area stretching from Hamilton to the South Australian border extending to Heywood in the south and Chetwynd to the north. He was the first Anglican minister to be stationed so far inland ... more

